Exam Schedule

Exam Schedule

Through, periodic tests as well as half yearly and final exam, the progress of the student is continuously assessed and progress reports are informed to the parents after each exam. The performance of each student is subjected to a critical review and remedial measures are apprised to parents for better performance.

The overall grades given under different heads indicate the level of the child’s overall performance.

Note– 10 marks in each term will be given by the school on notebook work and subject enrichment (snap test, projects, assignments,experiments, class response, quiz, activities etc.).
Snap Test–   A continuous assessment of the student will be done by snap tests. These tests assume great significance in the new examination pattern.

notice board

Published Date : 09/02/2024

Admission Open for 2024-25

Published Date : 10/02/2024

We are hiring PRT, TGT , PGT