Recommendation For Parents

1. Parent are requested not to enter class rooms to see their children or teachers during class hours without
    prior permission of the Principal.
2. Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address and telephone numbers.
3. Be patient and spend quality time with the child. Read school circulars, notes and remarks send by
    teachers carefully.
4. Check the uniform and punctuality of the child as a matter of routine.
5. Birthdays to be celebrated through distribution of toffees to friends. No cakes, pastries, chocolate bars or
    fancy gifts are permitted. Children are allowed to wear casual clothes to school on that day but they must
     wear school shoes. No fancy shoes are allowed.
6. Leave for half day should not be taken for security reasons. In emergency, written permission must be
    taken from the Principal and the Class Teacher.
7. Encourage your child to take interest in academics, co-curricular activities and sports. Communicate to the
     teacher any matter of concern with regard to the feedback you receive from the child that may help
    the child gain confidence.
8. Motive your child to maintain a proper code of conduct. Any misbehavior or indiscipline may lead to
     serious consequence including a heavy fine and expulsion.
9. Parent’s attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of the teacher or school in the presence of a
     child should be scrupulously avoided because it causes the students to lose respect for their teachers with
     the consequent failure to learn from them and will retard his/her progress.
10. Should there be any legitimate complaint, please meet the Principal at the earliest or write to her in
        confidence and the complaint will be personally verified by the Principal.
11. The name, Admission No., Class, Section and House of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the
       belongings of the student.
12. Parents are required to co-operate with school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying
       attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and interest in their child’s work. They should
       check the Almanac every day and note the home work and other instructions given.
13. Care must be taken of all school property and if any damage is done, it will be made good by the
        concerned student together with a fine imposed for the offence.
14. No sharp objects should be sent to school to ensure safety.
15. Parents are requested to send a leave application if the child has to be absent for more than one day.
16. The answer paper will be shown to the students in the school itself and to the parents only at the parents
       teachers meeting.
17. Parents are not allowed to click photographs of answer sheets.
18. Parents desirous of any video clipping of their ward will have to pay Rs. 2000/- to procure it.

notice board

Published Date : 09/02/2024

Admission Open for 2024-25

Published Date : 10/02/2024

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